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Somethings left from Tembagapura

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Deti and Yuda, nice Papuan kids

Land Slide on the road to Banti Hospital

One of my patients

with doctors and paramedic in Tembagapura Hospital

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no internet.... no posting... Happy Ramadhan

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Parah... payah.......... pasrah......
Almost 9 weeks in Tembagapura, without internet access. Payah..........
sorry.................... I just try to remember what I wanted to wrote while I was in Tembagapura...
lost of memory???......
But don't worry, I still have some nice picture from there next time I will post them......

happy Ramadhan All.....
I just want to enjoy my short vacation while preparing my self to go to new site again... BHP-Billiton, Center Borneo.

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